Kids CNY Blossom Fashion Contest 2020

Palm Square, Centre Point Sabah No. 1, Jalan Centre Point, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Hey kids! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 Come and join our Kids CNY Blossom Fashion Contest on this coming 19th January 2020! 🤩 Open for children from 4-12 years old. Registration is FREE 🤩🤩✨✨✨ See you there! 🤩 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 To register, click on this link : OR You can get the registration form at Ground Floor, Information Counter! 🤩 #cps #centrepointsabah #kkcity #sabah #kotakinabalu#CNYBlossomFashionContest #ChinewseNewYear2020

Kids Funtivity Month 2020

  It's July now, how are you guys doing? We hope everyone is doing fine as we are having lots of amazing online events throughout the month of July! It's open for children from 4-12 years old! Registration is free, come join our online event now

CP’s 30th Anniversary Mall Wide – Face Mask Giveaway

Let's celebrate CP's 30th anniversary this year with another round of mall-wide activity! 🤩 As #CPCares for the community during this outbreak, we will be giving away FREE MASK (5 pieces per pack) to the public. This is also to raise awareness of mandatory to wear a face mask in crowded public places which effective starting from Aug 1....

CPCares: Food Bank Program

As #CPCares for the community, today will be the start of our CPCares: Food Bank Campaign. An initiative by the management of Centre Point Sabah Shopping Mall to help those who have been adversely affected by hunger in our state. To donate, you can go to our Food Bank Hub located at basement floor (...

Easter Colouring Contest 2021

Palm Square, Centre Point Sabah No. 1, Jalan Centre Point, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

What's going on this March? It’s time for our annual Easter Coloring Contest on the 27th - 28th March 2021 and your chance to win awesome prizes! . Pre-register now at and check in on the day of the event! . Remember to be creative but follow the rules and comply our SOP guideline!...

Egg-straordinary Egg Hunt

Palm Square, Centre Point Sabah No. 1, Jalan Centre Point, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Hop into the bunny egg hunt season! Hi kids! We're back with our annual Eggsmania and this time it will be held at 4th Floor, Palm Square with strict SOP implemented Come join our Egg Hunt and get more freebies and exciting prizes to win Egg-straordinary Egg Hunt Date : 2nd - 4th April Time...

Eggster Painting Contest 2021 : PAINT & DECORATE THE EGG

Hoppity hop! Who's ready to paint Easter Bunny Eggs? Cause we're back with our annual Eggster Painting Contest! . Pre-register now at and save the date! Date: 3rd - 4th April Venue: Palm Square, 4th Floor . For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Winnie (0178331663) . #Eggsmania2021 #CentrePointSabah #kkcity #4thFloor #PalmSquare

The Great Storyteller 2021

Hey kids! Do you like to read storybooks? Now we would like to hear more storytelling from you as you will earn the chance to win prizes worth UP TO RM1,500.00! Just simply record a video of you doing the storytelling and send the video to us now Open to all Malaysian children from 4...

Super Kids Parent DIY Art Contest

Hey Kids! Have any recyclable items at home such as unused paper, plastic, and glass? Well, turn them into creative arts! Show us your innovative creations by joining our Super Kids Parent DIY Art Contest! Make your own product from recycled material with your parents. Just send us a photo of your artwork and win...

Merdeka Drawing & Coloring Online Contest 2021

Express your patriotism and show your heartiest appreciation to our heroes & frontliners in spirit of the upcoming Merdeka Day celebration by joining our Merdeka Drawing & Coloring Contest . Registration is FREE! Join now and stand a chance to WIN PRIZES WORTH UP TO RM800.00 Register now at: . Age Requirement: 4-12 Years...